
How Connected Mobility Technology Is Driving The Future Of The Automotive Industry


Click here to view the seminar given by Bill Russo

We are pleased to share with you a seminar on the topic Reinventing Mobility in the China Context: Building the Internet of Mobility & Related Smart Car Technologies. With the auto industry developments and the increasingly prevalence of the wireless internet and mobile devices, we expect that the Internet of Vehicles will create discontinuous opportunities for product and business model innovation.

We believe the conditions in China – the world's largest auto market and the market with the largest number of both internet and "smart phone" users – will likely make it the incubator for rapid commercialization of such innovations. China's urban transportation challenge, the high rate of adoption of connected mobile devices, combined with the rapid and aggressive introduction of alternative mobility and vehicle ownership concepts from new entrants, will ultimately compress the time needed to commercialize smart, connected car technologies and related services. Such developments will dramatically alter not just the feature content of vehicles, but may also usher in a revolution to the business model of the automotive industry – where a model focused on "users of mobility services" could emerge as a real alternative to the traditional model of "car ownership".

Click here to view the presentation slides

Click here to read the associated paper

为何戴姆勒搞不定克莱斯勒 菲亚特却能带着它上市 (Why the Chrysler Fiat Listing is Able to Work)

Jiemian.com, October 12, 2014

菲亚特与其美国公司克莱斯勒合并的决议将生效。而10月13日全新的菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司FCA(Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)的股票将正式以FCA为代码在纽约证券交易所上市交易。




重组专家企业阿历克斯合伙公司的欧洲主管斯泰法诺·阿维萨(Stefano Aversa)说,菲亚特和克莱斯勒的合并以及新公司在美国的上市让62岁的马尔乔内有更多筹码来出售非核心业务,或者是达成更多联盟。他表示,“我不认为马尔乔内制定的是一个单一策略,应该是根据市场状况以及企业表现来执行的多重战略。公司在美国的上市给了他很多选择,这本身就是极有价值的。”

现年38岁的菲亚特集团主席约翰·艾尔坎(John Elkann)支持马尔乔内的决定。他表示:“我并不打算出售菲亚特的股权,尽管菲亚特与其它企业的合并将会导致阿涅利家族所持有的集团股份遭到稀释,但这会使菲亚特变得更加强大。”Exor SpA持有菲亚特集团30%股权,是意大利知名的阿涅利家族(Agnelli)资产。该集团目前正由艾尔坎执掌。


评级机构标准普尔在伦敦的企业信用评级董事阿莱克斯·赫伯特(Alex Herbert)说,纽约上市本身不会改变菲亚特的信用评价,更重要的问题是:菲亚特什么时候能够拿到克莱斯勒集团的现金。菲亚特克莱斯勒目前计划在2016年对克莱斯勒的债券进行再融资,有望通过这一操作完全掌控克莱斯勒的现金储备。这笔现金在6月底的时候已经达到133亿美元。


2007年戴姆勒克莱斯勒公司宣称因止不住长期亏损将子公司克莱斯勒集团80.1%的股权出售给私人资本运营商Cerberus Capital Management L.P.。曾轰动一时的跨文化合并就此走到了尽头。2009年,克莱斯勒宣布破产,由美国政府和菲亚特共同接手。直至今年年初,菲亚特正式完成对克莱斯勒的并购,两家公司合并。


前克莱斯勒东北亚负责人、高风咨询公司董事总经理Bill Russo对界面记者表示:“文化差异并不是戴姆勒克莱斯勒分家的关键原因。一家豪华汽车企业(戴姆勒奔驰)与一个大众品牌(克莱斯勒)合并在一起本身就阻碍了合并后协作效应产生作用。”

Bill Russo说:“戴姆勒克莱斯勒遇到的问题将不会在菲亚特克莱斯勒身上重演,两家公司都是大众品牌汽车公司,合并后将共享技术和生产平台从而增加产品的范围。管理层也更加具有对并购公司的管理经验。克莱斯勒将获得小型轿车的生产平台和零部件技术,特别是动力系统。而菲亚特也可以借此打入北美市场。”





Bill Russo to Join Panel Discussion at Global Automotive Forum

Wuhan, China, October 16, 2014

The Transformation of China’s Auto Dealers
Auto dealers in China thrive on new car sales and highly profitable repair services. What opportunities and challenges do dealers face with the growing number of vehicles on the road, increased competition, the internet, and the establishment of more independent repair shop chains?
  • Relationship between e-commerce through the internet and the current sales channels.
  • Transformation from a “commodity economy” to a “customer economy” by applying big data technology.
  • Standardization of the used car market.
Hu Bo, Chief Marketing Officer, Greater China and the ASEAN regional, Volkswagen
Liu Zhifeng, Executive Deputy General Manager of Beijing Hyundai, China Group ChinaChina
Pang Qinghua, Chairman of Pangda Group, China
Bill Russo, Managing Director with Gao Feng Advisory Company, China

Moderated by,
Ma Xiaowei, President of Iautos.cn, China