
Russo to Speak at European Union Chamber Of Commerce in China Auto-Components Working Group Meeting

December 16, 2011, Shanghai, China


Date: 16th December, 09:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Venue: European Chamber Shanghai Office: 333 Huai Hai Middle Road, Unit 2204, Shui On Plaza (22nd floor).

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to 2011’s last Auto-Components Working Group Meeting, which will be held on 16th of December 2011 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. at the European Chamber Shanghai office (see the addresses above).

At the meeting, we will have the pleasure to welcome Mr. Bill Russo, Senior Advisor from booz&co., to speak to members about“Leveraging the Rapidly Emerging Markets to Achieve Global Competitive Advantage”. The centre of gravity for many industries’ global business growth in the 21st century is now in Asia, and China and India have emerged as the most prominent among the rapidly emerging economies. Lured by the promise of these markets, along with the scale economies made possible by this and their respective cost structures, multi-national corporations are shifting their investments and organizational focus to these important markets.  This presentation will suggest strategies aimed at leveraging the China-India demand-side and supply-side opportunities.

Tentative Agenda:

1.     (9:00-9:45) Presentation on “Leveraging the Rapidly Emerging Markets to Achieve Global Competitive Advantage” by Bill Russo, Senior Advisor, from booz&co.
2.     (9:45-10:00) Presentation on “Stakeholder Mapping for the Auto-Components industry in China” by Mike Yung, Assistant to the Working Group, the European Chamber.
3.     (10:00-10:15) Discussion on Lobby Planning
4.     (10:15-10:30) Any Other Business

Please register your attendance with Mr. Mike Yung at myung@europeanchamber.com.cn by Thursday 15th of December 2011, 12:00 p.m.

Please let us know if you would like to raise a certain topic or add an item to the meeting’s agenda.

For any further information about the Shanghai Auto-Components Working Group or the European Chamber in general, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Onur Yalcintas at 021 6385 2023 ext. 122 or oyalcintas@europeanchamber.com.cn


Russo to Address EU Trade Commission on "China moving up the value chain and the role of technology transfer"

Brussels, Belgium, December 9, 2011

Seminar with China Watchers, Brussels
9 December 2011

Seminar and discussion will address the following questions:

  • How do you assess the future competitiveness of European industry in general and in these emerging industries, in particular, and how should Europe position itself? Is there sufficient evidence to remain cautiously optimistic, or are China's policies aiming to make its economy greener a blessing in disguise?
  • To what extent is technology transfer to China happening on a non-consensual basis, which endangers our companies’ competitiveness by creating the rise of future Chinese competitors in the same market segment?
  • How can European companies design creative solutions to minimize the risk to their intellectual property associated with technology transfers?
  • Are global production chain strategies, e.g. by making only parts of the puzzle in China, a sufficient protection against technology transfer? What trends can we see developing in China and the wider Asian region?
  • With much manufacturing and assembly already taking place in China, are we not risking a situation where 'innovation on the work floor' will also increasingly shift to China?
  • To what extent are EU companies considering partnering with Chinese companies to become more competitive on the Chinese market – but also to become stronger internationally on third markets?
  • How should the EU position itself (e.g. via research or education programmes) with a view to better integrating with, and tapping into, this huge innovative market that is in the making?

  1. Ms Alicia García-Herrero
  2. Mr Jean-Claude Deschamps
Confirmed experts:
  1. Mr. Chris Strutt, Senior Vice President Government Affairs, Public Policy and Patient Advocacy, GlaxoSmithKlein
  2. Mr Stephan Csoma, Senior Vice President, Umicore
  3. Mr Peter Brun, Senior Vice President, Vestas
  4. Mr Sandro Zero, Vice President and Export Control Officer, Areva
  5. Mr Ulf Pehrsson, Vice President Government & Industry Relations, Ericsson
  6. Mr Bill Russo, Senior Advisor, Booz & Company
  7. Mr James McGregor, Senior Counselor, APCO
  8. Mr Simon Cheetham, Lead Expert China IPR SME Help Desk
  9. Mr Thomas Pattloch, Senior Counsel Taylor Wessing, former EU IP Officer Beijing
  10. Prof François Godement